Monday, June 11, 2012

Photo A Day Challenge Catch Up

I received a message from my "Anonymous" viewer that I am lagging behind on posting my daily pictures.  Thank you "Anonymous" for keeping me on track here ;)  I do take my pictures each day but might not post them right away.  I usually take a break from posting on the weekends for family duties. But, today is Monday so here we go.......

Day 8 - Six o' Clock

Day 9 - My View Today

Day 10 - Best Bit of the Weekend (Shameless Plug Coming....)
Man In Charge and I headed out to House of Blues to see our friend's band play. If you get a chance, check them out...

Day 11 - Door
This is little mans's door and as you can see there is NO Paparazzi allowed!  
LOL :)