Friday, November 23, 2012


Thank God It's Black Friday? Nope, I don't think so. Well, at least not for me.  In past years I was out there with the masses at 3AM trying to grab those amazing priced items. This year, I decided that there was no good reason for me to go. On a side note, the lack of  funds in our account also helped with that decision to stay all warm and snuggled in my bed. Either way it made me think.......How in the heck did the Holiday Season become so crazy? YIKES!  Am I sounding a little bitter here? I'm not you know, really! It's just that each year, I see so many gifts exchanged between people that bring only temporary happiness (please note that I did not say ALL gifts). I agree that it is so exciting to see their faces as they open their gifts, I just wish that excitement would last.  So,this year I am going to try a different approach with gifting  and as soon as I figure out what that is and I can set my sails for my "Getting through the holidays" destination.

No offense to anyone who did brave the elements today (because you should get a reward) but I just thought that it was not worth it........for me.